Sunday, April 1, 2012

We Are All Still People

Hello everyone!

This week for Lesley Delivers I went on the route that goes by The Tannery. We saw a few familiar faces or spots with familiar boxes and some new ones. There was one person who was kind of hidden behind a pole in a spot across from the t entrance that is accessible and has an elevator. Luckily someone in our group spotted the person, so we went over to offer him a sandwich. The person had appeared to sleeping but as soon as someone put a sandwich down beside him his head snapped up. He seemed surprised we were offering him a sandwich, and grateful too. We were also able to give him a hat, which was awesome. We saw another person who remembered us from the week before. I was glad that he got to see that we do give sandwiches out regularly.

During the reflection, the other run shared an experience they had when giving out a hat. When they offered a woman her choice of a hat she began trying on the different ones, posing, and asking how they looked. I think that this is a great example of how even though someone may be homeless, they are still people just like this. I am sure most of us pose with a new piece of clothing when we get it, wondering if it looks good, just like this woman.


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