Monday, April 9, 2012


Sorry for such a late post!

Last week on our run we came across a group in the pit. Upon handing them sandwiches, one man stated “oh someone is here to feed the animals”. The group ignored the comment. He then said “thanks, we are just the outcasts of society here.” This idea of being social outcasts is a common thought among the homeless. Each day thousands of people pass the homeless deliberately trying to ignore them. This feeling of being ignored and negative stigmas can make anyone, who is down on their luck, feel like an outcast of society. At Lesley Delivers, we try not to pity others so after he said this, we felt a bit awkward. I tried to stay positive and said “well, you’re not outcasts to us”.

Among the group there was also a woman with a dog. I offered the dog a sandwich as well. She told me that the dog has extreme allergies and cannot eat any grain. My dog has the same condition so I immediately felt a connection. She continued to tell me how her dog easily gets sick and needs to go to the vet about once a month. Knowing how expensive vet bills are, it amazes me that someone who is struggling to feed and house herself, will make the effort to take care of a sick dog. Many people often characterize the homeless as selfish and lazy; however this is far from the truth. Every time I go on a Lesley Delivers run, I learn about selflessness and good-hearts of the homeless. This woman breaks all stereotypes and I have great respect for her ability to continue to care about others (even dogs) throughout personal challenges.


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