Thursday, February 23, 2012


Oprah Winfrey once said "If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough".
I believe this quote is something that needs to be taken to heart to more people in the world. Lesley Delivers gives me that awareness every week when we go out. It should never be about what we don't have, but being grateful for what we do! This week we had a rather small group, and on the route I took we didn't run into many people, which is always something to be happy about. I always hope that if we don't see anyone then they are somewhere much safer than on the streets. After we had done our route, we went over to the pit to see if we could give out our extra sandwiches. We came across a large group of young people who were all wrapped up in blankets, huddling under an overhang trying not to get wet. We gave out a lot of our extra sandwiches, as well as lots of socks. What really has stuck with me is one of the boys. He came up to us and said, "I'm Robo the Hobo, I like to drink Robitussin and wander the streets." Being part of Lesley Delivers, it's not our place to judge or pity, but it just really made me wonder what had happened for him to get to this point. He must have only been a little older than me, and that's what really struck home for me. He wasn't sad or angry, he didn't seem like he was mad at his situation at all. He was extremely friendly, and when we were giving him socks he just kept saying how we made him very happy, and that we were his friends, and he was grateful for what we have given him. He wasn't focusing on what he didn't have, but rather the things that he did have, and the things that we could give to him. It really makes me wonder if everything was taken away from me, would I be content with what I had, or would I be bitter about what I didn't? Ever since I started coming to Lesley Delivers, I've learned to be more and more grateful for what I have, rather than what I don't.

Thank you to all of you who came out last week, and can't wait to see your beautiful faces next week !


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