Thursday, February 24, 2011

Welcome Ashley!

Last week, was our first run of the semester and we did another this past Tuesday. Both nights, there weren’t large numbers of people, but there were enough to effect the new people we had in our groups. This week we welcomed a new member to our leader ship team – Ashley! She will be our Treasurer and help lead groups when we are in Harvard Square. We are very excited that she is part of the Lesley Delivers team!
Although it was very cold the past two weeks, we did see some people and we got a chance to talk to them. The different ways people chose to keep warm struck many people in our group. A couple sharing a sleeping bag prompted the “What if that were me” question, and although it was not brought up in debrief, I know that many of our members think about that. It has been a topic of this blog many a time – and I think that is one of the many reasons why people continue to come out with us.
On that same trip, we can across a man who wouldn’t take a sandwich because he already had some food that he was saving. He didn’t want to “waste” what we were giving him. We talked later about how that action (which we have also come across multiple times) proves the existence of a community among the people who stay on the streets. There are some that get more than others, and they always direct us to the ones that have less. They know that some have no food, while they might have an extra granola bar so they have us find those without. It brings us comfort to know that they are helping each other in these times of need.

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