Tuesday, March 2, 2010

...Can't Be Choosers? False.

Hey All!
Tonight we had nine people come out and help us make sandwiches and six people go on the run. We love any help, even if you can’t stay for the whole run. Every little bit helps. We split up into two groups; one group didn’t see that many people but the other saw the same large group that was there last week. Both groups had a similar experience with people who asked what kind of sandwiches we had. We always make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and sometimes people just don’t like those – and that’s okay. Both groups had people joking about how picky they are. One man said something like “Well they say beggars can’t be choosers… but they can!”. In the large group we saw a few men didn’t want some things that were in the bags but did want others, this is a time where we hand out the bags and hope that whatever they don’t want, their friends will eat. We talked about how some people just don’t want to ask for anything, but they will hope that you see them and just give. It’s about pride (sometimes), which I completely understand. Sometimes we just have to learn how to watch for body language and hope for the best. Until next week – if you are going on Spring Break have a safe and fun one!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! My name is Craig Martin, Lesley University Alumni Board Member and I spoke with your outgoing president about partnering my Grade 5 students with your program to help out with a PB&J drive and we have collected money and jars of PB&J. So, I would love to speak to someone about scheduling a meeting where my students can come over and find out more about Lesley University and what you all do.