Thursday, October 1, 2009

First Sandwich Run of the Semester

Hi Everyone!
It’s a brand new year for Lesley Delivers, with brand new leadership! Sarah DiGiaimo has taken on the role of Lesley Delivers president, and Jillian Zingale and I have become co-leaders. You’ll be hearing from me every week about the runs that we go on and things that we do as an organization.
This past Tuesday was our first sandwich run of the semester, and it went really well. We had 16 people come to help make the 23 bagged dinners including Merrie Rothstein and Addie Price who also led a group through Harvard Square. Once we got into the square we split up to cover the different areas we have gone to before. There weren’t that many people out, but some of the groups did talk about what it was like to be on their first run. Some talked about how they were a little nervous to go up to someone, for fear of offending people. Which begs the question, who would you ask? What makes you think that someone needs a bagged dinner? We try to think about this every run we do, and usually end it with one such question.
I recently was in a conversation in a class where the professor said “We tend to help people that are more similar to us”. I want to leave you with the thought that ran through my mind when he said that. We are all similar because we are all human, we all have a heart in our chest and breath in our lungs. Therefore, shouldn’t we try to help each other no matter what?
See you next week!

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