Friday, January 23, 2009

New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year! In just three days, the new semester will begin. Over break, I have thought a lot about what Lesley Delivers "should" be and also, what it is becoming. Many of my days have been spent in preparation for the organization to be up and running as we once again begin to hear the hustle and bustle of students around the Lesley campus (including Harvard Square).

I recently took a trip to El Salvador to work with Habitat for Humanity. Though I knew the quality of life would be much different from what we are accustomed to in the U.S., I could never have imagined how great that difference would be. The poverty was so immense, yet the general feeling was much more uplifting than what we find here. Material objects are not placed on a pedestal, family is more important than money, and life is lived at a slower, much more relaxed pace. The result? A statistically poorer, yet seemingly altogether happier country and culture.

Which is more important?

Here's to another great semester--with redefined goals and an even stronger desire .

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