Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Cheese and Crackers

It's been a while since we have ventured out as a group, due to scheduling problems, midterms, and no real funding as of yet. Tonight we had SEVENTEEN people- I could not believe it. It was too good to be true. We had the most volunteers we have ever had...and it was raining. 

Tonight we met a couple spending their first night on the street. Before we realized what we were doing, we found ourselves in CVS, chipping in to purchase food and drinks in order to make this couple feel as comfortable as possible. Was this the right thing to do? I still don't know. We tried not to show sadness, but it was difficult. 

Our debrief was a powerful one. How often do we label others without realizing that we are doing it? How often do we say ignorant things without fully recognizing that we are doing it?

Every time we go it gets easier, but in reality, harder. We now know the places to find those in need, we see familiar faces, and after 4 runs, we have pretty much established a routine. Though we are helping and serving it is my hope that someday this need won't exist. Maybe someday there will be no one on the streets, no one hungry or thirsty, and no one cold and alone. Let's pray that we did vote for change and that we will see this change soon.

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